Saturday, May 14, 2011

I get that a lot...

I know, it has been two weeks since my last blog, but give me a break- am a full time momma and that is totally time consuming. Plus am organizing FAB, having meetings here and there, trying to sort stuff out, doing the skype meetings, I know I promised a weekly blog – am trying.

So let’s see, whats been happening. Of course, since my last blog, there was the infamous ‘fuel shortage’ in this great nation of ours. As I type this the power keeps going off and coming back on again and I read something in the paper about an impending maize shortage. Aaaaah TIA (this is Africa..). Something I have written more about in my other blog for Mi Fone. It’s a must read!

What I would love to talk about is shopping! So, here’s me, out with my baby and I notice that the Junctions new wing has opened. Of course in my teens I was a total Mall Rat – but we only had Sarit Center and Yaya center. Today we have plenty of malls to walk around in, but it still is not like the States, South Africa or Dubai where a whole day can go by and all you have done is spent it in one wing of the mall.

My favorite mall experience was in San Francisco. I think I had so little time to shop and I went running through the mall like a mad woman. Of course, I got hit on by plenty good looking younger good for the ego. I love the outlets too. But I digress.

Back to my experience at the Junction; I walked into the Mr. Price home shop. I love shopping for my home. I never thought I was creative interior wise, but I love experimenting and playing with colors. The staff is super friendly and it is just a great way to while away sometime. I remember walking into the Westgate shop and they were having a staff meeting and they had to stop the meeting to allow me to come in. I felt soooo super celebrity-ish! It was a nice way to start the day and hey, it did not hurt their sales.
So, it just made me laugh out loud a little when one eager  beaver staff member came up to me and said “Hi IFF”… eh? OOOOhhhh he meant EVE. Right. I have to say, that’s not the first time its happened. I have been mistaken for Eve in the past when people think they know me and have seen me in the papers, etc, they just assume because we are both Indian that may be we are both the same people.
I used to get that a lot with Zain. In fact, that is how Zain Verjee and I got close; we were always mistaken for each other. When Raj sees her on TV he doesn’t see any resemblance but yeah, we were often mistaken for each other.
If you think that’s odd; listen to this - Rajs good friend thinks I look like Michael Jackson. Hmmm…I wonder if that is a complement. I don’t mind it so much because at one point in my teen years I so wanted to be (or thought I was) Janet Jackson!

You know they say that in the entire world there are at least 3 people who look like you? I wonder if that means they look EXACTLY like you, or there are just features or certain resemblances that just kinda look like you.
I don’t know what point I am trying to make. Ah yes, I don’t mind being confused for someone else. I don’t mind even being told I look like someone else (ahem, someone once told me I look like a Kardashian…yah, with my FLAT ass, I doubt it). I remember when the pussycat dolls released their first single and people said I looked like Nicole Sherzniger (is that how you spell it?) – yeah, her washboard tummy and my wobbly tummy have SOOOO much in common! Someone said it was the hair…aaah, my hair looks like her?

Whatever you look like, nothing can stop you from looking happy when you get yourself a good buy. I love shopping. I am so excited about the new malls and the new wings and the new shops that are opening up in Kenya. And no matter how busy I am, I will always find the time for retail therapy because even if I don’t buy anything I know I am guaranteed an enlivening experience. (Maybe next time I will purposely dress like someone and see if I get mistaken for that person..any suggestions?)

1 comment:

kiran said...

you wouldn't be a Ghelani if you didn't like shopping! love aunty K