Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Devious or delusional?

I have recently been addicted to watching devious maids.. what an interesting, well kind of, series. I tell you when I switch it on, it does give me that escape that is needed.

Speaking of devious, I have recently found myself surrounded by people who are constantly plotting and planning and going out of their way to ensure that things are not what they seem to be. For me, I have always been an open book. I think my trusting many people and being so open in the past got me in a lot of nasty incidents. I think people did not take me for the fool I was and instead thought I was super devious and very crafty that they just did not like me and found flaws and fault in me.

Now-a-days I do not trust that easily. I take caution in what I am saying lest it be used against me. Don't get me wrong though, I still call a spade a spade, however I pick my battles. If you are not important to me and you come up and obviously speak a mouthful of nonsense to me, I will shrug my shoulders and the words in my head will be 'how stupid do you think I am?' as I politely smile and nod as the verbal diarrhea ensues.
If you are important to me then you know lying to me or trying to or even wasting my time with idle gossip is not going to get you anywhere.

But do not think I do not gossip. I am a girl. I am human! But I do it with people who know what gossip is - harmless banter that makes us giggle and updates us on what is going on, but the thing is we know we need to move on after our dose, there are plenty of more things to talk about - like business, babies and shoes!

I honestly wish I had this knowledge 10 years ago. I did not realize that everyone is playing a game. People hide travel plans, wedding plans, even going to the supermarket plans - why? When I was in radio I was open and honest about the direction I wanted to head and may be told a few (100) people. I didn't realize that they would use that information to make sure I would never reach my goals. But the thing is, how much effort goes into making sure you destroy someone else. It must be exhausting!
And when do you get time for your own life?

There is a saying 'always speak the truth, it is much easier to remember..' There are the liars who just love to lie! You know you know a person like that right? Everything that comes out of their mouths is just a blatant lie and not because they have to lie, but because they love to lie. What bothers me is the web of lies that follows! How do you keep up with what you said when all you spoke was a thousand and ten lies? Do people like that have some sort of a memo pad where they keep notes of everything that they have said that is untrue? Do they also think that they are fooling us?

Bob Marley said it well when he said 'you can fool some people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time.'
Devious, its a great word, but not for me. I would still be a straight shooter, to a limit. If I don't want to tell you the truth then trust me dishing out lies to you would take way too much time, I would just smile and wave.. like the penguins of Madagascar..and mosey the hell on!

Have a fab week x