Monday, August 27, 2012

Aren't you somebody?

I have been so inconsistent with this blog this year. I guess BAKE will not be throwing any awards my way any time soon! To be honest, I have missed sharing my thoughts and telling you about what has been going on but on the flip side I have been too busy doing a whole load of nothing!

Well, we start off with some bad news. My Father In Law passed away a month ago. That to me was heart breaking. I have seen death at different stages in my life and it always seems someone I love or my dogs or someone who is near and dear just decides that they are going to leave. No warning, no goodbyes, just gone, poof, like that!
The day my fil passed away was such a heavy day. In fact when I go back and think about the day I start to feel drained out and like I have no energy all over again. That day was eerie. It was weighty and I wish I had listened to my gut or my instinct so that somehow or the other I could have prayed for him, sent him healing, stopped it from happening. This is the thing about us human beings - we really think we are in control right? Me and my ego. As if we can stop fate?

In my life I have done plenty of soul searching. I found it hard though to answer Rajs question when he asked; where do we go when we die? I have no idea! I do have my own thoughts - my own theories, but they are mine. If I was to share them with him I would either find myself being driven to an asylum or being handed divorce papers. They are not that bizarre, but I do not think religion and science would ever agree with me! I told Raj that only he can take the spiritual journey that leads one to the answer of that question, if there is one.
I keep repeating myself though; each death occurs to teach us. To teach us that there is some finality in all that we do on this earth. We lust after things and people. We acquire, we save, we sometimes steal. We lie, we cheat, we hurt others. We laugh, we drink, we buy clothes and travel to fancy places. We marry, we make love (not always in that order), we fight, we cry, we write, we create and sometimes we destroy. But our end is all the same, and the fact is we take nothing with us. Who knows if we even take the memories.

Death is here to teach us to be nice to one another. Hang on, I am not even preaching - no waaay, because I know that in this here "I, Me, Myself" era it ain't gonna happen. I am just saying. Because when someone goes, you realize that all he or she takes with him is love - the love he/she was shown during their lifetime. Being a good human being, some say, helps you in the after life too- so really if you are a good person - even to your enemy, all your doing is helping yourself for now and for beyond.
But being good without expectation. Truth is you will be disappointed, hurt and let down if you expect others to be good just because you are.

The point I am trying to push is this; be good because you have the power to. Keep silent when you can talk crap. Stay on your path while others go astray. I read a quote today and I will it share it on my blog with you. A man looked around and he saw all the destruction on earth and he spoke to God and said 'God, why doesn't somebody do something?' and God said 'Aren't you somebody?'

The change we are looking for begins with us.

Have an awesome week. Be a blessing xo