Sunday, April 24, 2011

in the pink: Positive Vibrations

in the pink: Positive Vibrations: "I know that I had something to share; it wasn't profound, it wasn't new, but I know it was something that I would write in my blog. Yet, whe..."

Positive Vibrations

I know that I had something to share; it wasn't profound, it wasn't new, but I know it was something that I would write in my blog. Yet, when I sat in front of the laptop today I went totally blank. I forgot all about what I was going to share.
The memory fades when you are a new mum, you are so busy running around that sometimes you become a bit absent minded. (Or may be its just age and I am in denial). As I type this, Invictus is playing on TV, husband has gone out for a stag night and baby is tucked away in bed. My company are my two lovable dogs who are also sound asleep. I am not writing with purpose or direction, I am just click clacking away on the keyboard and seeing where this is going to lead.

You know, I have stopped watching the news or even reading the headlines in the papers. I skip through to the crossword and sudoku page because I think the world has gone nuts! I met a psychic a few weeks ago and I asked her about the world coming to an end in 2012 and she smiled. She knows something, I just asked her because we met, and I came to know that she is a psychic as a new mum and a person planning more kids, I gotta know if the world is ending - so I asked.

I never got a response. Anyway, I have stopped watching the news because it is just too dull and too depressing. I don't live in that much denial, but I choose not to surround myself with negative stories, energies and just that yukie vybe. It is sad to see what is happening to mankind, to countries, to animals and to our planet. I am pretty sure that we are well on our way to imploding or exploding.

How come when we see so much pain in the world we are praying less? We have less faith? We are more greedy, commit more sin and lie and hurt others so easily? What is going on? (I actually wanted to say what the f is going on, but that is not very positive..right?)

I don't want the world to end in 2012 - but, that is not for me to decide. There are many theories out there about the Mayan calendar or the planets all being in a line that it will change what is happening on earth or that we are about to enter a new age and therefore the earth needs healing, etc. What if the world ended next year in December? Are you doing what makes you happy? Are you focusing on the big things or wasting energy on petty politics? Are you bettering somebody's life, even if it is your own without any selfish motives?

Hey, I am not here to judge. I am just tired of being surrounded by the negative energy. If anything I urge you to be grateful and thankful and a little bit more positive every day. Reason: positive energy vibrates quicker and you feel it quicker. You are positive, then the energy spreads - your neighbor feels it, your pastor feels it, your wife and they take it to work or play and boom, the good vibe silently seeps into your pores and your children's, and your bosses - the ripple effect has no end!
Pray more, laugh more, let your ego be and enjoy because lets face it; if the world does end in 2012, we all die happy! And to be honest, when we are walking to the light, together, I want to go laughing and joking with all of you - I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of mopey, complaining souls!

Be the change you want to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Armpit what???

My computer had been down for all of last week. So annoying!! But for the moment it is working OK, not as good as it was before, seems some programmes have gone missing including Skype but it just means extra work for me this week ahead.

Last week I managed to catch one of my favorite shows on TV - Fashion Police with Joan Rivers. Joan is old, she is so old it hurts, but her wit and humor get me every time. I think she has one foot in the grave (understatement) that she doesn't really care if she makes any enemies. Or may be she is so past that age and stage of trying to people please that she just tells it like it is and shrugs her shoulders and what the reaction of others may be.

Anywho, on the show, the four fashion experts were talking about something that intrigued me- I could so relate because a couple of weeks ago when I wore my corset I noticed it for the very first time. If you are in your teens or twenties stop reading now because you will just not get it. If you are over and above and have ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wondered what the hell that extra meat is hanging out of your armpit then read on.

You know when you hold your arm close to your body and there is a big fold of skin where your armpit meets your chest? That is called Armpit FAT. Armpit fat!!! EEEWWWW! I was disgusted with myself for even noticing it on my body. You see, I do the yoga, I run, I lost the baby weight within three weeks, so I felt totally let down (by myself) when I saw that I owned ARMPIT FAT. Gross.

If you know what I am talking about then you too must have had a horror moment in front of your mirror. You may also have gone into the gym and did some extra arm and chest work to be rid of it. You can help get rid of it with jumping jacks but, and this is a BIG BUT,  I did some research and found out that it is not all gloom and doom, ladies. All it is is breast tissue that has sort of traveled (without a visa, how dare it!). All you have to do is wear the right bra and when you put the bra on, bend over and pull in all the extra tissue and then tighten your bra straps. Do this for three or four days and viola, no more armpit fat!!!!! I did it and I am super happy that my jet setting breast tissue is back home safe and sound.

The point is, we all get older, things tend to shift and sag but it really is up to us to maintain the good looks and shapely figure - its a simple rule of thumb! Have a beautiful week.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bangles and beads and bobbles..

Before I begin - I found the shoes, phew! Hubby was playing an early April Fools joke on me!

So, how has the week been for you? Confusing in terms of weather? I know! I don't know how to dress at this time of the year - but I feel if you layer it, you can always peel off what feels uncomfy. But nope, my blog is not going to be fashion tips and what have you, this week I have decided to name drop in my blog.

So last week started off in a super exciting manner. I forgot to mention that I met up with THE Randolph Gray at Brew Bistro last Sat night. Randolph is hair stylist to the stars and has been doing my hair for over 10 years. I love him, his humour, his attitude - everything. We are supposed to be doing a fashion shoot sometime this week - I cannot wait! That night I also met long time pal Paul Kukubo at the same place. Paul is in the IT industry and works for the government - he deserves every piece of success he gets because he has worked real hard for it and well, is an overall nice guy.

That was Saturday night, Tuesday came around and I found myself sipping an ice cold coke with none other than Deejay Adrian. Ady and I go way back - almost 10 years or more. We were chatting about so much and catching up on the days when we had mad fun together - that included a trip to LA together. I have decided that I am going to be his sidekick. The guy travels like mad and he has the equation sorted - less work, more money and TRAVEL. Don't we love to travel. Plus, I gave him a few hints and ideas - am sure he is going to implement them, so from this point on if he does ANYTHING super huge, I will take credit for it. Well, not because I want any financial gain, but because it is Ady, he is cool with it and he knows me and my madness!

Wednesday - saw me at Westgate having meetings with the management. I am organising an annual event called FAB which stands for fashion and beauty and we needed to iron out little details. It is super exciting working on this event and I cannot wait for July to come around so that it can be here already! I bumped into an international magazine editor (am not allowed to say who) and we chatted. It seems that they may want me to do some work for them (am not allowed to say what). All will be revealed in good time.

Thursday - I was emceeing an event at Nairobi Academy. You see the kids there had come up with an idea to do social work in their extra time. I thought the cause was noble and when they asked me to emcee their fashion show of course I said yes. The event was sponsored by the Deacons group and because I work very closely with them I could not refuse. It was super fun and a nice surprise to see Collo from Kleptomaniax there. He tells me he is going to be a father soon and we chatted about silly things. He made fun of me (as usual) and I made fun of the fact that I think he looks like a very short Usher (not someone who shows you your seat, but the singer).

Friday was April Fools day - it did not help the fact that a huge company called me and wanted Indian faces for a TV Commercial. I went mad calling people and sending texts - everyone thought it was a joke. Well, joke is on you when you see the ad on TV and kick yourself! Next time I am NOT doing business on April Fools. I did not get fooled though but did make a lame attempt at fooling the husband - he didn't fall for it! Shame! Friday also saw me pulling out my corset for Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras was absolute fun. My friends had organised it in order to raise money for their brothers team for Rhino Charge. I had a beautiful mask and was told that the way to collect beads is to flash the person with the most beads. I did not flash no one (but did ask for their numbers and told them I would 'flash' them later - flash is slang for a missed call), but I did end up with plenty of beaded necklaces. The deejay played music that ensured I did not get off the dance floor. It was super fantastic. Btw, after the previous weekends escapade - I promised that I would not drink but when the jello shots were being passed around I had to do as the crowd were doing; when in Rome (when at a Mardi Gras)..
I had some interesting conversations - some included 'how did you have a baby' as a conversation starter. I am sure the dude meant 'how did I manage to fit into my jeans after baby' but if he was seriously asking about 'how I had a baby' then it was not my place to chat to him about the birds and the bees and seriously, he should not have been allowed anywhere near the bar because clearly he was no way near over 18.
There was a point that the shoes came off, but I quickly found them and put them back on. So what if my feet were screaming blue murder! But the rhythm got me (Gloria Estefan is a prophet) and I danced the night away!

On Saturday I hung out with Sachin Tendulkar and MS Dhoni (well, they were on TV and I was watching them) as the Indian cricket team won the world cup. Btw, I don't think you can call it Cricket without pronouncing it properly - this is how you pronounce it CRUH-KEHT and you need a very deep Indian accent while you say it. So I watched Cruhket with Ariyana at home (after my glam mani and pedi) and got dressed for the evening. We went on to watch India win in such an outstanding manner at a dinner party my father in law was throwing in honour of the Indian cricket team. After that we dashed to a friends wedding. Sometimes I wonder how pansie assed individuals who believe so much in their self-importance make up our society - but this is the reason I go out - to observe and giggle in a 'dark corner'. But that is a story for another day. I was thoroughly entertained by a group that go by the name Dhol Ecstacy - I am so using them for my next show! I loved it.
Don't get me wrong, we did have good company and we did the 'hellos and air kisses' to the necessary but we had to dash. In the car again and off to the party that would end the evening.

My gal pal Barbra Minishi knows how to throw a party - it was a Moroccan theme and there was chocolate cake, what more could I ask for? Hawa, the film maker and my good friend was there. I was introduced to her partner (we were being PC - we meant to say her LOVER). I met Emmanuel Jambo who is one of the top photogs in town. Connie - fashion stylist to the stars (I told you, this blog is SOOO about name dropping) tells me she is back from Milan and now here to stay. We arranged a coffee date. I was asked about 'my son' and when I corrected the person she got mighty defensive. I don't mind, you think I had a boy - its cool, it doesn't change the fact that I had a girl! Interesting.
All in all it was a meeting of fab people and Raj and I had to call it a night. It was raining and we were pooped!

We woke up late on Sunday and hung out with our favorite person in the world. Then it was off again - launches, parties, etc. My best bit was meeting a politician and seriously discussing my step into politics. Aha, but that is for another blog and another day!

Basically we made out that life is incredible and it is made up of all sorts and therefore there are never any dull moments. I know I need to make up to my doggies as they are sulking with me this morning. I suppose I will have to pamper and spoil and treat them to a couple of 'pawdicures'.
Another week begins and I am tres excited to see what this one will bring, I am sure it will be super fabulous!!

Ps. Congratulations to my cuz who got engaged over the weekend - I wish her a fab time in planning what I know will be a fab wedding!!