Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Because what we give out we get back..

It is sad to wake up to an unsafe Kenya.
It has only been 2 weeks since we lost a top business man in a robbery, 2 nights later another man was shot in a compound by 5 thugs at 2am. These are just stories we have heard about, am sure there has been much more.
And then of course wake up to news of terror, killings, vast horror and massacre- it's devastating.
To scroll down my fb news feed and see pictures of elephants being killed for their ivory is heart breaking.
I am sad that this is the world we live in. That people have become so money hungry and greedy for power that killing is the order of the day.
Hey, it is not only in my country - it is happening everywhere!

In Hindu mythology this era is called Kalyug. I am no expert, nor am I a priest or a prophet, however - from what I understand this era is a time in the universe that is considered a dark time, where respect and morals are on the decline and the value of life is next to nothing.
They say we must go through darkness to appreciate the light. The darkest hour, it is said, comes before dawn.

I have read through my timeline on twitter and I have seen many letters to the president even to his wife in regards to the poaching crisis.
Yep, we can all sit down and pen our thoughts. We can all plead to the government but the epiphany I had a long time ago that keeps coming back to me is that until we change as people, things do not change. Mahatma Gandhi said 'Be the change you want to see in the world..'

I keep saying it - I almost sound predictable - what you give out your receive. What, as a nation, are we giving out? Where are our thoughts? Are we money hungry? If someone came to you and said here is 1 million shillings for you to look the other way as they leave a bag in this matatu - would you take it?
Are we giving out hate as a people? A person got a raise in the office - you bitch behind that persons back until you and your colleagues are blue in the face. A woman on TV looks stunning, you loathe her until you write (anonymously) on a blog about how she slept with all her college mates way back when she wanted to be someone. You have a good giggle about it, the story goes viral and you do not care if this person gets hurt or embarrassed.
Your neighbor gets his items auctioned, you watch from your window with glee thinking, serves him right - why did he think he could afford that new 32 inch TV anyway!
What are we giving out as employers? As partners? As parents?
As a driver on the road some moron who probably did not even see you blocks your way to pass. You cruse him, hoot and call him all sorts of horrible names. He retaliates, you get into a war of words.
On social media you vent, because you can. You bitch about the traffic, the government, the asshole husband who left you with bills to pay.

Stop - think.
What are we giving out?
Bad energy will attract bad experiences. It is that simple.

Yes so you have a blog and you wish to share your thoughts. By all means go right ahead.
Yes you are on FB and Twitter and you want to say something about something.. Ok, sure.
Think - how many people will read this? How will you make them feel?
Same thing with our media. What are they dishing out to us, day in, day out?
Feelings = Energy
Energy = Experiences

Yes, the government... blah blah.. Yes Al Shabab blah blah --- yes, the opposition... yes, tribalism...yes, poaching... YES WE ARE ANGRY!!!! But because we are pissed off collectively as a country we are bringing it upon us to have negative things happen to us.

What? Blame yourself? Abso-fuckin-lutely!

I take responsibility for my actions, my experiences. If I have had some shit come my way - I evaluate internally and ask myself.. what did I do to attract this? The answer comes and as hard as it is, I change my ways.
We cannot change circumstances, we can change our ways - ourselves. That is all we are in control of.

It is a sad state of affairs. But change can only occur when things get tough. Before we were plodding along happily. This is our wake up call!
I wish I could stop the poaching, but people are doing things to try and raise awareness and stop it - instead of bitching and moaning about it - my contribution will be to help these people in which ever way I can - because I am passionate about animals.. they have as much right as we do to be here.
If I can do something to spread the peace - I will do it, or rather, this is my attempt.

It may look to you as esoteric BS, may be even spiritual garbage - but what harm will it do to you today that you didn't bitch about someone or spew your hate on FB. What would happen if you spread some goodness?

We all have our theories but unless you have a degree in political science why don't you STFU about it and just focus on your life and your hustle. Don't spread hate. Don't spread anger.

Oh yeah, it may be a bit boring to have a world of social media that is all flowery and what would happen to hell if we were just all a little nicer to each other? But it starts with you and I - that my friend, is a fact - Kenya dig it?

For future generations..