Friday, December 17, 2010

My life - Never a dull moment...

Last year this time I was pushed into a world that was brand new to me - the world of print. I had my first issue of DRUM magazine come out and as the editor, I was very excited. I had managed to nab an interview with Iman and as Face of Africa was around the corner, and her cosmetic line was one of the sponsors, I thought I did darn good for myself and the magazine. I was very pleased with myself.

It was very new to me though, being in this field. A lot of people weren't too happy that I had been put in this post without any experience as an editor. But I had a passion for the brand and felt that I could take it to the next level. I really had a vision for it. Of course, 5 months after my joining the entire company shut down - hmmmm.... Oh well, dust yourself off and move on, that is what I did.

Before joining DRUM, I was in a bit of a dilema. You see, I had applied for the job at DRUM thinking I would never get it, after all, it was a society magazine and the only experience I had in terms of writing was a few articles here and there including some for East African Standard but I had tons of experience in society - I consider myself quite the socialite. I was also debating to take on another job, something that I had lots of experience in. I was approached by Capital FM to host their breakfast show - something I had wanted to do in my career as a radio presenter.

The thing is, when you present the breakfast show on any radio station, you have 'arrived' in terms of radio. So as I did radio for a long while and was always on the mid morning show and am a person who loves a challenge, the next step up would have been breakfast. When my old pal CK took me out for lunch to talk about the show, I asked him for a ridiculous amount of money and he agreed to it (I wish I had asked for more!) but reality is, it wasn't about the salary, it was about the love for radio that drove me back there!

So there I was back at the radio station, 'training' for something I could do blindfolded. Then it hit me, the reason I had left radio was because it was just so full of politics. You think politics is bad, you should really try radio. First of all there was this presenter that they tried to pair me with who told me 'well, you see, I am better than you because I am studying media and well have never studied'. Gosh, I am surprised I didn't smack her! They say you should never hit someone with glasses (you should find something heavier, like a stick). I had a gazillion years of experience and here she was telling me that she was better than me because she has studied media. To quote Ellen DeGeneres who gave an awesome commencement speech at a graduation ceremony -"I thought that you had to be a famous alumnus - alumini - aluminum - alumis - you had to graduate from this school. And I didn't go to college here, I didn't go to any college at all. Any college. And I'm not saying you wasted your time, or money, but look at me, I"m a huge celebrity."
Don't tell me I didn't study, my brother died when I went to university afterwhich I made the choice NOT to study. She also questioned me about my marriage, but I think the girl had issues.

Anyway, after a few days of feeling the vibe and getting a call from DRUM to tell me I had got the job as editor, I had to walk away from radio. It didn't make me feel great as I miss the listeners, the fun and the silliness on air, but I had to stand firm in growing my career.

I have to say in January this year I had it all planned out - I would have a baby, a flourishing career as an editor, DRUM would be a successful brand and I would travel the world first class (well, just because it sounds good). Today I am a mother and my career is in a lull again. Not because I do not have opportunities but because I now have to sit down and think of the next thing for me to do - the next big challenge. This one is a head scratcher.

Anyway, being in the media has made me grow an extra thick layer of skin so I know that when something really good will come my way I am sure I will be to handle the crap that comes with it - like they say, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!


Unknown said...

you've always inspired me and always will ..... love always and may your dreams come true you deserve it ... love your hubby & baby

STYLE'N said...

Pinky-great job with the blog. I love reading your posts and even though you are my cousin I feel like I am learning so much about you! Hugs and kisses!!

kiran said...

Pinky I love the blog, you like Naina write so well and you defenitely don't need a degree for that...keep up the good work and follow your heart where ever it may take you...

lots of hugs and kisses
love aunty K

NickG said...

..headscratcher? already have the greatest career in the hood..which you are ace at!anything else you do is a bonus..and whatever you choose to do, or rather whatever chooses you, you will do as you always have with everything else..with passion, wit and love!

B MARC said...

Im a writer and i did not go to any school, it is the passion that matters

miranda said...

Going to school is GREAT. It impacts knowledge to all; nitwits included. Gradauting from a class does not equate getting an education. Education calls for respect among colleagues and this you do not learn in a classroom.

If that lady was confident about her academic credentials she would not have such an itching need to re assert her status.

You made a deliberate decision not to study further...there are thousands of young women and men out there who cannot pursue higher education for very different reasons. You are a shining example to them that they can still fulfill their dreams if they believe in theirselves. And for that you deserve a doctorate.

Unknown said...

Tell me how you managed being a model .cz it's so hard for most of us out here thanks .fr your blog i learn lot from it..