Saturday, December 21, 2013

Lucky Number 2013..

They say 13 is a very unlucky number - unless you, your baby, someone in your family was born on the 13th, then you probably do not believe in that theory!
This year was not the best of the years, but then again - neither was the last, or the year before that. If you look at it, things are actually getting worse!

As much as I hope for a happy new year - I would like to stop looking at the world through rose tinted glasses and actually pray for a spiritual awakening year. The reasons that so much bad is happening is because we need to look within ourselves, better ourselves and then better our world around us.

Do I sound like a broken record? I keep on harping on about the same stuff, I know. The fact is, the wars will not stop, the poverty will get worse, the hate between brothers will escalate as long as we keep doing what we are doing now. You have heard that it gets worse before it gets better right? I strongly believe this. Sorry if I paint a dim grey picture but I need to share my sentiments. For all you know, 2014 could be the year that everything suddenly changes and people are happy again and we stop being nasty and horrid to one another. Just like that, a snap of a finger, at midnight on Dec 31 2013 all of humanity will suddenly get it - we need to be good, to do good in order to have good things happen to us.

Think good thoughts because thoughts become things. How many of you have looked at someone at a party and said out loud 'oh darling, you look gorgeous' and in your head thought ' b****, what are you thinking leaving your home looking like a 2 dollar h**'?  It is not your words that bring you your reality, it is your thoughts. We can all be fake. We can say anything to please anyone, but how you feel is your vibe. Your vibe is what creates your reality. Check yourself, what are you thinking? Even as you read this?

Hey, am not saying that what I am writing here is the Gospel truth. It is just a theory. May be you have a theory that works for you. Share. I would love to know!
All am saying that if we pretend to be good, pretend to pray, pretend that we are holier than thou, then we will continue to fear the outcome of our life journey. But if we genuinely pray - not only for ourselves, but for those around you, your neighbours, your bitchy sister in law, your competitors, etc, etc - your reality changes. Why? Because you surrender to the fact that we are in this thing called life together, each with different lessons to learn, but here to help each other even if it is by being kind, thinking good thoughts about one another and just allowing people to be.

For 2014 I do wish you peace of mind, peace within your heart and lots of love. That is all I have to give as am a broke ass these holidays and besides, I don't want to give you a gift that will only rotate and land back at my doorstep next year... (oh come now, we all do that with gifts..)

Happy Holidays

Last word..

Happy Belated Birthday Kenya. I love you my nation, I wish you brightness as you go through this dark time. Fact is I did not feel like celebrating as much as we have accomplished after 50 years of independence. I miss my country being simple, but I suppose this is a price to pay for development. I just wish our leaders had foresight to look after their people first - can you imagine what sort of a celebration it would have been then?

An ode to Madiba - I will be able to tell my children that I lived in your lifetime. Thank you, you powerful soul, for being all that you were. You continue to inspire in death. I wish that we could all take a leaf out your book and just learn to forgive in order to be free.

To the rest of the  morons who tried to get under my skin this year - I forgive you! But you are still morons! (and if you feel that this statement is about you, it probably is...)

To my friends and family who love me despite my flaws - I love you, you guys totes make my life complete!!

To the Kardashians - get off my TV already!!! NKT

To the media - I am an editor for Home&Living Magazine and produce and present TV shows and events as well as compere events so you can stop referring to me as Former Radio Presenter..much appreciated.

For 2014, do not take yourself too seriously - learn to laugh at yourself- its therapeutic - plus its like jogging on the inside.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Be careful what you ask for...

So anyone with a voice/blog/facebook page is sharing their views on the Westgate attack.

It has taken me almost 3 weeks to get around to writing something about what happened.

The days that have passed us have gone by all too quickly and I have spent most in quiet reflection, as usual - going within to garner strength and finding a way to replace fear with faith.

I told my mum that she can build a house with the amount of bricks I am shitting on a daily basis! We laughed and then the reality of all this came back.

I am going to be honest, I am scared.
I have not walked into a mall since. Westgate was my second home and I am heart broken!
I lost friends. Friends got injured but I also heard amazing stories of the goodness of people but somewhere inside me, I feel a void.

I met Caroline Mutoko over the weekend at a birthday party and she had some choice words to share. She said that this is our country. Where in the world can we enjoy such pleasures, but what are we doing to protect it? How are we, you and I, safe guarding this land of ours?
I read something by Sunny Bindra where he said something similar, this is our nation, but for as long as we partake in little things like corruption we are responsible for the outcome. This is the outcome? A bitter pill to swallow.

You know, the day before this happened, I was at Westgate booking Starjump for my daughter's birthday. I asked the guy there to please send his staff of Westgate to the party because my daughter loves them. He laughed and said he would see what he could do because Saturdays were their busiest days. Her birthday was a week later and you know what - by the grace of God, all the Starjump staff were unharmed, except the guy I spoke to who got a bullet wound in the leg but is recovering - and they were all at Ariyana's birthday. Be careful what you ask for...

How many times did us animal lovers drive past Peponi Road and see the hawkers sell cute dogs and cats on the roadside? How many times did we say to ourselves 'ugh, this is cruel, I wish it would just stop!' I drove on a very empty Peponi Road today - and all the hawkers are nowhere to be seen. Be careful what you ask for...

I feel sick. There is an eerie quiet in my capital. Something has been taken from us. I cannot put my finger on it but as much as life has gone on - things are not normal. They probably will never be. I am sad that something as simple as going to the mall has been snatched away from me.
In 98 there was a terror attack but nothing like this. May be this one is different because I am a mama.

Anyway, I am just spreading the word of peace. But the peace starts within us. We have to be at peace within ourselves and then can we spread it. What we think, what we say all becomes a reality, evidently!

Someone tweeted me and said I am too quiet ... I am, because I don't know if what I am saying anymore is helping.
So our politicians stripped down naked and took pictures doing the nasty - I am no one to judge.
So what our security forces stole and looted - who am I to judge?
How much complaining will make me a better person? How much negativity need I spread so that my world is better? Zero!

I have resolved to be at peace within myself. I am no one to be judge and jury. If you see that I do not tweet as much it is because everything I want to say may make me sound like a preacher and I am not ready to force my philosophies down your throats.

For now all I am doing is spreading the power of prayer - I pray for my family, for you, for my nation and for peace. I am trying to be as positive as possible because now I know.. what I ask for can become my reality. I don't want to ask for anything but peace.
I refuse to be worried too much about little bullshit nonsense.. this includes how I look (sometimes) - so if you see me at the supermarket (dashing in and out) in my pyjamas without any make up, yep - that's me, former Miss Model! And if you see me using a cheap ass phone and not the latest smart phone - yes, that's me and my status symbol, because these things do not fucking matter anymore.
And yes, if you hear me using the F word from time to time, yep, that's polite, soft spoken me - all grown up and a bit pissed off but working on herself - to spread good vibes because that is all that matters!

Love and light to you and yours :D


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Devious or delusional?

I have recently been addicted to watching devious maids.. what an interesting, well kind of, series. I tell you when I switch it on, it does give me that escape that is needed.

Speaking of devious, I have recently found myself surrounded by people who are constantly plotting and planning and going out of their way to ensure that things are not what they seem to be. For me, I have always been an open book. I think my trusting many people and being so open in the past got me in a lot of nasty incidents. I think people did not take me for the fool I was and instead thought I was super devious and very crafty that they just did not like me and found flaws and fault in me.

Now-a-days I do not trust that easily. I take caution in what I am saying lest it be used against me. Don't get me wrong though, I still call a spade a spade, however I pick my battles. If you are not important to me and you come up and obviously speak a mouthful of nonsense to me, I will shrug my shoulders and the words in my head will be 'how stupid do you think I am?' as I politely smile and nod as the verbal diarrhea ensues.
If you are important to me then you know lying to me or trying to or even wasting my time with idle gossip is not going to get you anywhere.

But do not think I do not gossip. I am a girl. I am human! But I do it with people who know what gossip is - harmless banter that makes us giggle and updates us on what is going on, but the thing is we know we need to move on after our dose, there are plenty of more things to talk about - like business, babies and shoes!

I honestly wish I had this knowledge 10 years ago. I did not realize that everyone is playing a game. People hide travel plans, wedding plans, even going to the supermarket plans - why? When I was in radio I was open and honest about the direction I wanted to head and may be told a few (100) people. I didn't realize that they would use that information to make sure I would never reach my goals. But the thing is, how much effort goes into making sure you destroy someone else. It must be exhausting!
And when do you get time for your own life?

There is a saying 'always speak the truth, it is much easier to remember..' There are the liars who just love to lie! You know you know a person like that right? Everything that comes out of their mouths is just a blatant lie and not because they have to lie, but because they love to lie. What bothers me is the web of lies that follows! How do you keep up with what you said when all you spoke was a thousand and ten lies? Do people like that have some sort of a memo pad where they keep notes of everything that they have said that is untrue? Do they also think that they are fooling us?

Bob Marley said it well when he said 'you can fool some people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time.'
Devious, its a great word, but not for me. I would still be a straight shooter, to a limit. If I don't want to tell you the truth then trust me dishing out lies to you would take way too much time, I would just smile and wave.. like the penguins of Madagascar..and mosey the hell on!

Have a fab week x

Thursday, August 15, 2013


So it has been ages and ages and ages and ages (ok you get the idea.. it's been a while) since I blogged. The biggest reason that I have not blogged is because I cannot get into dashboard from google chrome so I had to open this up in explorer to blog. I had tweeted about this problem and asked my fellow bloggers to come to my aid.. so if you can I still need the help. TIA (thanks in advance)

So, tell me all! Whatchu been up to? How you been? Give me all the goss! Dish all the dirt! Look at me asking you to talk to a computer screen, how silly...

With me, life is awesome...aside from the fact that I think we were almost car jacked last night, life is so good. I get a bit worried with the insecurity in this country it is all sorts of kray right? I just hope that our prez gets his ass into gear and beefs up the security. All this while he is putting out fires, dealing with poachers, negotiating with teachers, flying to China and dealing with floods on Thika Road! Poor guy, has a lot on his plate, but he best step up his game!

Ariyana is growing up beautifully. Her 3rd birthday is coming up; I wanted a fairy themed party, she wants a Mickey Mouse theme - I have to get over the fact that the party really isn't for me, it is for her. So I have been doing all sorts of Mickey Mouse hunting. It is fun though.
She is asking all sorts of questions, as they do, but she also comes out with very intelligent statements that leave me quite baffled at times. Kids I tell you, what a joy!
And before you ask, I am trying for the second but it just ain't happening! I am sure it will in good time, just like with Ariyana it took time. Also I have been busy with work and all sorts of great projects that have me super busy at the minute.

So, good news, I reached out to my half brother and we reconnected after 10 odd years. But this time because he is in a good space as am I, we were able to really reconnect and celebrate being 'Ghelani's'. He has so much research into the family's history - it is super intriguing to find out where I have come from.
This is a story for an entire book, forget a blog! But I have to say it is awesome to just know how much we have in common as we had the same father. Blood is indeed thicker than water!

Well, now that I am back albeit via explorer, I shall blog more and I shall blog often..

Chat soon my peeps

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Stop Gap

"You have neglected your dog..." He said
"Pardon?" I said, not quite understanding what he meant.
"You have neglected you blog..." The voice on the other side of the phone was clearer.

Aah! My blog!
How are you? Have missed you tons.

I am trying to balance it all and I will be blogging soon.

This is just a stop gap.

Give me until June and (in the words of Arnold Shwazzeneger  (spelling??)) "I'll Be Back!"

Monday, January 7, 2013

The first of 2013

Happy 2013.
Last year was crazy busy and it got so bad that I had to stop blogging. I had no time to switch on laptop, log on and type a few crazy sentences. I am sorry. For those of you (may be 1) die hard addicts, it was very mean of me to cut of the supply. I am normally a person you can depend on as well as being consistent, I deliver! So, am sorry that your fix of pink was scarce towards the end of last year, I just couldn't juggle all that was coming my way in my usual graceful way!
Also, the world was meant to have ended, so my theory was that I would never have had to write a blog apologizing!

One a serious note, I should not be complaining. I am the new editor of Home & Living magazine which is what kept me so busy. Putting a new magazine together is hectic, but man was it fun! Also I was filming for Fashion & Style - the TV show that airs on NTV. Of course, I am a mama too and  that takes first priority! So between work, my baby, the dogs, running a home, tending to husband, looking after my business, bikram yoga-ing I had to sacrifice one thing...

So, how was the end of 2012 for you? To be honest, mine was pretty crappy. There were a lot of friends who passed away and a lot of negative energy about. The world did not end, but for some it did. I will not get into details because it will depress the both of us!

Anyway, just a quick note to let you know that I am still here. I feel inclined to blog but  sometimes I get a bit lost about what to write.
I have to dash, feb issue of H&L is a calling