Monday, April 30, 2012

BAKE (not a cake...)

Hello! I am super intrigued by the blogging world. It is like a hidden secret, almost a treasure. There are a huge amount of people who do this seriously and consistently. Not only that, they write about serious stuff. From technology, agriculture, politics, sports, poetry - it is amazing!
The reason I know this is because I am on the judging panel for BAKE - Bloggers Association of Kenya. Have a look here - or

I have to say I was super honored to be asked and to be part of a fantastic panel - who made me laugh out loud a lot (LOLAL). I am somewhat humbled to be associated to the Bloggers of Kenya. In a word - wow! There is so much creativity and talent in this KE of ours!

The award ceremony is this Saturday at Serena - I am super excited and looking for something FAB to wear! Call me a geek, but I say geek-ism is the new black baby and I am embracing it. It is cool to know your isht when it comes to blogging and tweeting and all things that we left to the nerd herd (the smart people)- I have a thousand and ten things to learn but from this point on I am going to take it seriously and blog so that I can be worthy of being called a serious blogger.

Happy days.  :D

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Breath, Breathe...

Hey bleeps (blog peeps)!
How are you? I know, I know, it has been forever since I blogged. First off, I have to dedicate this blog to my doggie Sanka whose untimely death still has me tearing up. I am an animal lover and I totally blame myself for his death and I really wish he was still here. Anyway, my consolation is that we all have a time to depart, and his came sooner than I had ever anticipated. So Sanka man, this one is for you.

Now, here is how my life has been - chaotic to say the least. I am shedding kilos like I am running 10kms daily! I tell you my days are so unpredictable but so busy that I find it hard to put food in my mouth - only because my schedule is crazy. To be honest, I am not proud of this, I am one of those healthy humans - eat right, exercise right and look good. The hotch potch of my diary is unsettling to me. Ah well, I need a PA and when that happens perhaps my life will go back to normal. Or I need a clone - either way, I need someone as anal as I running around the way I do!

So this blogging stuff is serious business huh? The reason I say so is because I have been asked to do something for some people regarding blogs. Sounding vague as am not sure if it is top secret or not. If not, in my next blog I will reveal all - but for now, I like the mystery element of this story. Basically if you are a blogger, I have major power over you (cue evil laugh.....) I am kidding, but I will know more on the morrow and in turn I shall put you in the loop.

Other than that Ariyana is talking and of course knows the word No really well - so much so that she uses it a  lot especially with me. I love her to bits and cannot believe that she is growing at such a super fast pace. She is another reason I cannot seem to keep any weight on. The girl is on the go all the time. She is ready to discover and try new things at any given chance. God bless her. Raj said to me tonight that before we know it we will be planning her wedding. I looked at him and said 'you are totally jumping the gun' and he said 'well, there is a long way to go and we do have plenty to go through but trust me, time will fly.' This is the sad but true fact.
Time is not on our side. As human beings we are always running after what should be or what could be. We plan dates and meetings, holidays and trips without actually living in the present. How many times do we stop and savor the moment. We are quick to complain and very slow to give thanks. We always plan for the future but don't stop and live in the present.

Someone told me that our breath is important - we breathe in and out - every time we do so, we have less breaths to take here on this earth. Our number of breaths have been granted to us and when we use them all then we can breathe no more. How much breath do we waste on bitching and moaning? How much breath do we waste on complete and utter crap? Give thanks for your breath. Let it be slow and deliberate and when you breathe give thanks for that moment, you know it will never come back and you know it brings you closer to the next.

Aah, philosophy. My half brother loves his philosophy. Oh yes, I have an entire family that I need to tell you about. But that is for another day and time. But the few times I spoke to him in my adulthood, I realized that he likes to think he is a philosopher. May be he is - in his own way. Who am I to judge?

I have just been handed a cup of hot chocolate with lil marshmallows in it. Its raining outside and my husband has told me that I need to get off the laptop and 'chill'. I have worked hard this weekend and I need a break. I will adhere to his simple request (I know, can he stop giving me reasons to fall in love with him over and over again?) and log off now..
Thanks for allowing me to share and give you a glimpse into my pink world..

My dear Sanka,
I love you loads and always will. Your life was super precious and I am so glad you were a part of mine. Rest well in doggie heaven you cute monster- you are missed dearly my cuddly friend.
RIP Sanku
Pink xxx