Saturday, April 16, 2011

Armpit what???

My computer had been down for all of last week. So annoying!! But for the moment it is working OK, not as good as it was before, seems some programmes have gone missing including Skype but it just means extra work for me this week ahead.

Last week I managed to catch one of my favorite shows on TV - Fashion Police with Joan Rivers. Joan is old, she is so old it hurts, but her wit and humor get me every time. I think she has one foot in the grave (understatement) that she doesn't really care if she makes any enemies. Or may be she is so past that age and stage of trying to people please that she just tells it like it is and shrugs her shoulders and what the reaction of others may be.

Anywho, on the show, the four fashion experts were talking about something that intrigued me- I could so relate because a couple of weeks ago when I wore my corset I noticed it for the very first time. If you are in your teens or twenties stop reading now because you will just not get it. If you are over and above and have ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wondered what the hell that extra meat is hanging out of your armpit then read on.

You know when you hold your arm close to your body and there is a big fold of skin where your armpit meets your chest? That is called Armpit FAT. Armpit fat!!! EEEWWWW! I was disgusted with myself for even noticing it on my body. You see, I do the yoga, I run, I lost the baby weight within three weeks, so I felt totally let down (by myself) when I saw that I owned ARMPIT FAT. Gross.

If you know what I am talking about then you too must have had a horror moment in front of your mirror. You may also have gone into the gym and did some extra arm and chest work to be rid of it. You can help get rid of it with jumping jacks but, and this is a BIG BUT,  I did some research and found out that it is not all gloom and doom, ladies. All it is is breast tissue that has sort of traveled (without a visa, how dare it!). All you have to do is wear the right bra and when you put the bra on, bend over and pull in all the extra tissue and then tighten your bra straps. Do this for three or four days and viola, no more armpit fat!!!!! I did it and I am super happy that my jet setting breast tissue is back home safe and sound.

The point is, we all get older, things tend to shift and sag but it really is up to us to maintain the good looks and shapely figure - its a simple rule of thumb! Have a beautiful week.

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