Sunday, November 13, 2011

I wore white..

I wore white for you my lil soul, to remember our few months together
I wore white for you and as I looked up in the sky, I saw a helium balloon - the essence of your soul, floating high into the sky
I wore white for you, not intentionally though, but I knew it was for you
I wore white for you because although you were, you were not meant to be
I wore white for you because you fought hard to make your lil heart beat, but somehow it just gave up
I wore white for you because I had already picked out a name and thought of what you would wear when I would bring you home
I wore white for you because my love, as much as I didn't hold you in my arms, I held you within me
I wore white for you because...well because I am a mother...and for two months I had the pleasure to be yours..
I wore white for you, I will try not to shed a tear, it is hard though..
I will now wear colour for all that I have and be grateful for the special things, the blessings and hope one day we may meet again

1 comment:

kiran said...

B. E. A. U. T. I. F. U. L..