Monday, April 30, 2012

BAKE (not a cake...)

Hello! I am super intrigued by the blogging world. It is like a hidden secret, almost a treasure. There are a huge amount of people who do this seriously and consistently. Not only that, they write about serious stuff. From technology, agriculture, politics, sports, poetry - it is amazing!
The reason I know this is because I am on the judging panel for BAKE - Bloggers Association of Kenya. Have a look here - or

I have to say I was super honored to be asked and to be part of a fantastic panel - who made me laugh out loud a lot (LOLAL). I am somewhat humbled to be associated to the Bloggers of Kenya. In a word - wow! There is so much creativity and talent in this KE of ours!

The award ceremony is this Saturday at Serena - I am super excited and looking for something FAB to wear! Call me a geek, but I say geek-ism is the new black baby and I am embracing it. It is cool to know your isht when it comes to blogging and tweeting and all things that we left to the nerd herd (the smart people)- I have a thousand and ten things to learn but from this point on I am going to take it seriously and blog so that I can be worthy of being called a serious blogger.

Happy days.  :D

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