Saturday, December 21, 2013

Lucky Number 2013..

They say 13 is a very unlucky number - unless you, your baby, someone in your family was born on the 13th, then you probably do not believe in that theory!
This year was not the best of the years, but then again - neither was the last, or the year before that. If you look at it, things are actually getting worse!

As much as I hope for a happy new year - I would like to stop looking at the world through rose tinted glasses and actually pray for a spiritual awakening year. The reasons that so much bad is happening is because we need to look within ourselves, better ourselves and then better our world around us.

Do I sound like a broken record? I keep on harping on about the same stuff, I know. The fact is, the wars will not stop, the poverty will get worse, the hate between brothers will escalate as long as we keep doing what we are doing now. You have heard that it gets worse before it gets better right? I strongly believe this. Sorry if I paint a dim grey picture but I need to share my sentiments. For all you know, 2014 could be the year that everything suddenly changes and people are happy again and we stop being nasty and horrid to one another. Just like that, a snap of a finger, at midnight on Dec 31 2013 all of humanity will suddenly get it - we need to be good, to do good in order to have good things happen to us.

Think good thoughts because thoughts become things. How many of you have looked at someone at a party and said out loud 'oh darling, you look gorgeous' and in your head thought ' b****, what are you thinking leaving your home looking like a 2 dollar h**'?  It is not your words that bring you your reality, it is your thoughts. We can all be fake. We can say anything to please anyone, but how you feel is your vibe. Your vibe is what creates your reality. Check yourself, what are you thinking? Even as you read this?

Hey, am not saying that what I am writing here is the Gospel truth. It is just a theory. May be you have a theory that works for you. Share. I would love to know!
All am saying that if we pretend to be good, pretend to pray, pretend that we are holier than thou, then we will continue to fear the outcome of our life journey. But if we genuinely pray - not only for ourselves, but for those around you, your neighbours, your bitchy sister in law, your competitors, etc, etc - your reality changes. Why? Because you surrender to the fact that we are in this thing called life together, each with different lessons to learn, but here to help each other even if it is by being kind, thinking good thoughts about one another and just allowing people to be.

For 2014 I do wish you peace of mind, peace within your heart and lots of love. That is all I have to give as am a broke ass these holidays and besides, I don't want to give you a gift that will only rotate and land back at my doorstep next year... (oh come now, we all do that with gifts..)

Happy Holidays

Last word..

Happy Belated Birthday Kenya. I love you my nation, I wish you brightness as you go through this dark time. Fact is I did not feel like celebrating as much as we have accomplished after 50 years of independence. I miss my country being simple, but I suppose this is a price to pay for development. I just wish our leaders had foresight to look after their people first - can you imagine what sort of a celebration it would have been then?

An ode to Madiba - I will be able to tell my children that I lived in your lifetime. Thank you, you powerful soul, for being all that you were. You continue to inspire in death. I wish that we could all take a leaf out your book and just learn to forgive in order to be free.

To the rest of the  morons who tried to get under my skin this year - I forgive you! But you are still morons! (and if you feel that this statement is about you, it probably is...)

To my friends and family who love me despite my flaws - I love you, you guys totes make my life complete!!

To the Kardashians - get off my TV already!!! NKT

To the media - I am an editor for Home&Living Magazine and produce and present TV shows and events as well as compere events so you can stop referring to me as Former Radio Presenter..much appreciated.

For 2014, do not take yourself too seriously - learn to laugh at yourself- its therapeutic - plus its like jogging on the inside.