Monday, August 1, 2011


Would you like to hear a ghost story? I am not into the horror films, I do not like blood and guts and all things gory but I am interested in things that make you go hmmm.. Ever sat around at a friends house during a sleep over and after talking about boys and fashion the topic of the supernatural comes up? Ever rented a movie and watched it and felt really creepy after because the story line was so close to reality?

I hate horror movies. I have watched Nightmare on Elm Street and seen through all the rubbish, I watched the Scream series and thought ok, interesting but there are a few movies that have given me sleepless nights and freaky vibes.
Let me tell you about the house I used to live in.

When I was three months old my family moved into a beautiful house in Loresho. It was set on 5 acres and it was huge. My dad wanted to buy this house and he made an agreement with the owner and he said he would renovate where necessary. He built the gate, the swimming pool, made the extensions and basically poured his love into this house. We had wall to wall carpeting, heck in one room we had floor to ceiling carpeting! This house was grand, it was my home.

6 years later my papa passed away - some would say he was too young to die. For me, the void will never be filled. Life went on as normal but odd things would happen - and for me, I  put it down to my imagination or may be that I was seeking attention - after all, I was the last born, the only girl and I had gone through the trauma of losing my father.
I remember as I got older and I would be alone at home I would hear things downstairs, like the kitchen chairs moving or a door being opened and shut. I would constantly see an owl in my garden, even though this animal is nocturnal, it would be staring right at me in the middle of the day.

The family business started to fail, things were not working out as well as they were meant to and one by one, we lost almost everything. The biggest blow was of course the death of my brother. When he was alive though, his friends and I were sat in his room one day and just like that, a light switched on and off - from the switch and we all saw it. There was one night that my TV switched on by itself and the video (haha, remember the era of the video?) started rewinding the tape in it by it self. I couldn't do anything but stare in disbelief.
After Raju died my eldest brother fell really ill. No doctor could diagnose his illness. He even went blind - but of course later regained his sight.
I used to sleep in my mums room (wouldn't you??) and I would hear footsteps. I remember when I would tell my mum she would say just pray. And I did and it would go away. Again, wild imagination or evil spirit playing mind games??

When I was 17 I had an official boyfriend. I took him home one evening and no one was there. It was dusk, I was locked out of the house. We took a walk in the huge garden. Of course, as a teen does, we took advantage of being alone. So we decided to kiss and as we leaned in for one, we heard someone behind us made the sound of a kiss in a mocking manner. There was no one behind us and gosh, did we freak out. We pelted our asses out of there, into his car and out of that compound.

I never looked too much into it but then as I got older friends would tell me that they felt an odd vibe. People would visit the house and say that this house was scary - but for me this was home. One day thieves decided to raid our home. They got my brother at the front door and he did a very brave (or foolish) thing. They held garden shears to his neck and told him to open the door. They were three. My brother told them to calm down and then yanked the shears from them and punched one of them. He then says that they all looked behind him and almost went pale as though they saw something paranormal. They ran into the shamba, we called the cops and Raj who got home in all of 5 minutes, to say the least, armed; it took 4 hours but they eventually fished them out of the shamba and they were arrested. That was an interesting night.

We left that house 7 years ago and we haven't had any strange experiences since. I know that if you have faith in positive energies you can always overcome negative experiences. Light always removes darkness. What utter shit, you may think! Perhaps -may be this is just my creative writing getting the best of me..but as with any scary story I have to leave you with the thought of it being as close to reality as possible.
I can tell you this - a new family moved into the lush house in Loresho that sits on 5 acres last year. Within 4 months the daughter of the house passed away from a mysterious illness and just last week her father died of a heart attack. Coincidence? You make your own conclusion. (play scary music here...tananananananananananananana)

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