Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hot or Cold?

So we are heading into our winter and I am kind of enjoying wearing the boots and the sweaters (all until 2pm when it suddenly becomes all blue sky-ish and summery..). But I trust that this July will be a cold one and am out and about searching for warm wear for my little bubba and (perfect excuse) me!

But my title has nothing to do with the weather, the blog is not going to discuss something you discuss when you have nothing to say. What I want to know is what makes people cold one minute and hot the next. Example, when you know someone, are sort of friends, but not really and you meet them a few times and they are very warm, sociable and interact with you. Then after a couple of months they completely snub you. They even make fun of you on facebook (friends of friends tell you this, not that you are their friend on FB, after all you are NOT thaaat close). They act bitchy when they see you, even turn away when you come face to face with them.

Then after a year they see you again and are super duper slurpy and chirpy. These are not the things that make you go hmmm.. These are the things that make you go EH! Like what is wrong with people? I always say though, that it cannot be everyone who has a problem, it must be me - as they say in math, common denominator. I don't even know if that's the right way to describe it.

Here are some examples of hot and cold. A deejay chick-e-dee is someone who wanted a break and would call me when I was at Capital FM. She would ask me to manage her, etc. So I tried, it didn't work out. All the same, I wanted her to succeed so when I was asked to write for Cosmo SA I featured her. The chick stopped talking to me because (she went around saying) I did not want her to be successful. Eh? Then there was a huge celeb wedding and I did not attend and she asked my then brother-in-law where I was and had a giggle about how I was banned from the wedding and my picture was with the bouncers at the door. Eh? First of all, no one needs my pic, I am that famous! Next, I see her at a gig that I was presenting for TV and she was playing at and she came up to me almost in tears and said 'if they didn't want me to play why did they ask me to'. Eh?????

I seem to attract some strange experiences. The point is when I meet someone they have to come out with a sentence to the effect 'Pinky, I had always heard such bad things about you, I always thought you are such a bitch, but you are actually such a nice person.'
Dude, first off, why are you talking about me (scratch that, I know EXACTLY why am being talked about), secondly, you know you don't believe anything and everything you hear and if you do then poor you! Unless you experience something first hand I say always be a non-believer!

But I feel it is always easier to believe that someone is 'bad' or 'cruel' or 'a bitch' before you get to know (which takes time) for yourself. I feel if you hear that someone is a nasty piece of work it makes you feel better about yourself and your life.
Gossip, if anything, actually negates the persons bad karma - this is my strong belief. So if you sit there and talk about me or anyone else, you take away any bad karma we are meant to face AND you add to that persons success!
Why is it so hard to be happy when someone else is happy? Or be thrilled when someone has achieved what you feel you can. Celebrate because it shows that dreams turn into reality - yours or mine! Send happiness and goodwill out and it comes back tenfold!

I remember when I was ripped apart by a friend of mine in the press. It was horrible that someone would want to do that to another person, but it made me a strong individual. I saw her last year and man was she nice to me! Bygones? Water under the bridge?

I wonder though what happens to me when people have been super nasty to me and they turn around and say 'hi' and I smile right back and say 'hi'. Sometimes I kick myself for being so 'nice'. I should have done this or ignored them or showed her the finger - I think to myself. But I thing if I carry anger within me it only burdens me. To be honest, I cannot be asked to carry their load on my shoulders.

Hot or cold, whatever your attitude, I will always send out warmth - for a selfish reason - what you send out, you get back and to be honest, from this point on, I only want GOOD experiences in my life.


Verdee said...
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Verdee said...

First of all, no one needs my pic, I am that famous! lol. love it!
i'm still in the process of learning to first interact with people suspiciously before building an opinion cos i relate so much to what you're trying to say... just on a different approach cos god knows i've been screwed over so much due to my faith in the kindness of humanity; which in my experience mostly leads to situations where you go like EH! Is this person possessed or what? and no, you should not kick yourself for smiling back at them... just make your smile bigger and leave them wondering why you're not vengeful.. you see, malice turns into confusion when received with a positive attitude... i know so many people all over the world who would relate to this but just wont take time to read it. but i love it anyway, karma's a bitchy wife and those who chose to screw with her get to sleep on the couch. so yeah, just send out positive vibes and you'll get them back one way or the other. blowing angel dust your way pinky. :) eddy

Sonal said...

I suggest you keep the sweater, the boots and an even bigger smile on! ;-)

These are not friends you speak about Pinky , just bystanders who love to watch what you do and how you do it, smile on your face but bitch behind your back...

The only thing they are good at is making fun of you, that too on a public social site,, lol! these are just mere attention seekers as they cannot do something big for themselves !

Dont sweat it, be who you are, SMiLE back, because nothing angers them more ;-) Be BIGGER than them :)

Verdee said...

Sonal, i couldn't agree more!

Blog? said...
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Verdee said...
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Verdee said...

please get some courtesy! you don't advertise yourself on someone's blog. get styled up! pree needs not act as p.r rep for anyone