Sunday, April 24, 2011

Positive Vibrations

I know that I had something to share; it wasn't profound, it wasn't new, but I know it was something that I would write in my blog. Yet, when I sat in front of the laptop today I went totally blank. I forgot all about what I was going to share.
The memory fades when you are a new mum, you are so busy running around that sometimes you become a bit absent minded. (Or may be its just age and I am in denial). As I type this, Invictus is playing on TV, husband has gone out for a stag night and baby is tucked away in bed. My company are my two lovable dogs who are also sound asleep. I am not writing with purpose or direction, I am just click clacking away on the keyboard and seeing where this is going to lead.

You know, I have stopped watching the news or even reading the headlines in the papers. I skip through to the crossword and sudoku page because I think the world has gone nuts! I met a psychic a few weeks ago and I asked her about the world coming to an end in 2012 and she smiled. She knows something, I just asked her because we met, and I came to know that she is a psychic as a new mum and a person planning more kids, I gotta know if the world is ending - so I asked.

I never got a response. Anyway, I have stopped watching the news because it is just too dull and too depressing. I don't live in that much denial, but I choose not to surround myself with negative stories, energies and just that yukie vybe. It is sad to see what is happening to mankind, to countries, to animals and to our planet. I am pretty sure that we are well on our way to imploding or exploding.

How come when we see so much pain in the world we are praying less? We have less faith? We are more greedy, commit more sin and lie and hurt others so easily? What is going on? (I actually wanted to say what the f is going on, but that is not very positive..right?)

I don't want the world to end in 2012 - but, that is not for me to decide. There are many theories out there about the Mayan calendar or the planets all being in a line that it will change what is happening on earth or that we are about to enter a new age and therefore the earth needs healing, etc. What if the world ended next year in December? Are you doing what makes you happy? Are you focusing on the big things or wasting energy on petty politics? Are you bettering somebody's life, even if it is your own without any selfish motives?

Hey, I am not here to judge. I am just tired of being surrounded by the negative energy. If anything I urge you to be grateful and thankful and a little bit more positive every day. Reason: positive energy vibrates quicker and you feel it quicker. You are positive, then the energy spreads - your neighbor feels it, your pastor feels it, your wife and they take it to work or play and boom, the good vibe silently seeps into your pores and your children's, and your bosses - the ripple effect has no end!
Pray more, laugh more, let your ego be and enjoy because lets face it; if the world does end in 2012, we all die happy! And to be honest, when we are walking to the light, together, I want to go laughing and joking with all of you - I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of mopey, complaining souls!

Be the change you want to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi.

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