Monday, December 6, 2010

Can I tell you a secret?

 I remember a couple of years ago the movie/docu-drama ‘The Secret’ was all the rage. Of course you remember it because, like me, when you watched it with we were filled with delight and felt so empowered, after all, we were armed with the knowledge. We were excited, enthralled and some other emotion that begins with the letter E. But how long was it before the fuzz inside went flat? A week? A month? A year? I have to admit, I strongly believe in the law of attraction, but one thing I know is that it does not work by itself. After watching The Secret and buying the book (I would read it daily for inspiration), I wrote things down, I visualised, I “loved my bills” but as much as I wanted this to work, I was slowly growing weary of being so upbeat about having the house on the beach by March 2008 and the Bentley in the car park and Oprah home for cucumber sandwiches and tea.

Yes, The Secret tells us how to attract things into our lives, but have you tried to attract things into your life and the opposite keeps happening? Or have you sat there, closed your eyes, felt the steering wheel of the car in your palms and then become totally frustrated? I know some friends of mine said that it was all utter bull**** because you cannot visualise losing weight and drop 2 dress sizes (if only…). I have to say though, the trick of the parking spaces, (you know, where you pull into a mall parking lot that is so full, but you visualise an available parking and snap, just like that, you get it?) that one ALWAYS (depending on how late you are) works, uncanny! Why doesn’t it work whenever I think of the $20,000,000 cheque that I am owed (by whom, don’t know and for what, well, your guess is as good as mine!).
To be honest, before the DVD came along there was the book and before that book there were a million other books on the same topic. I remember reading a book called ‘If Life is a Game Then These Are The Rules’ and ‘The Power of the Subconscious Mind’ and then there was a book called ‘If You Believe it Then You Will See it’ and ‘You Can Heal Your Life’. All these books taught the same thing; visualising, believing and then seeing your dreams turn into reality. But after The Secret there was one book that made me open my mind up completely in regards to my purpose on this earth. I can only talk about my experiences, many people are very sceptical about these things, and like I always say, each to their own. ‘A Little Light On The Spiritual Laws’ by Diana Cooper was the book where author sheds light on all the laws; the laws of life, the laws of creation, the laws of higher awareness and the laws of higher frequency.

Once you read it and understand it and are able to open your mind to her notions you probably will see things in a different light, or not – I won’t hold it against you. In one of her chapters she talks about the law of projection, one thing I find interesting. ‘We project our stuff, both good and bad, on to other people and assume it is within them, often denying it is within us’. Like when we think or say ‘she is stupid’ we are projecting our stupidity on to her. The other intriguing chapter is on the law of reflection; every person in your life is a mirror aspect of you, if something about someone bothers you, this is something within you that you need to work on. Ah, this stuff is way too deep, and an endless topic!
The law of vibration is something that works with everything (including that stuff The Secret was telling us about, but she forgot to mention this law – perhaps she was waiting to reveal it in a later DVD so she could make another 100 million dollars, or whatever!). When you think of something with feeling, that feeling is the vibration and the vibration is what you let out into the universe, after all, everything is energy. This energy is what impacts your life.

I am no professional on this subject, but all I can say is that it doesn’t hurt to try to send out or be more positive. Even Bob Marley sang about Positive Vibrations. I have a few friends who get this; Suzie, Petra, Coco, Purvi – they all seem in tune with this stuff. Sometimes I find myself learning from them too. I guess in a nutshell what I am trying to say, in a very long winded way (why else have a blog?) is that we need to be happier, channel good thoughts and be light when we walk into a room. This means changing our words, our thoughts and then our general vibe. Try it for a day or two, if it doesn’t work for you go back to being the old you, perhaps there is no reason for you to change.

Thanks for allowing me to share, I am now off to watch a DVD my brother lent me, it is called Beyond The Secret, hmmmm..... seems like I am in for an interesting evening.

Have a good one ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hardest part is changing your thought to be positive especially when there is so much negativity and pressure